Here is a sneak peek of this week’s headlines shark749/stock.adobe.comGood morning and happy Monday dvm360 readers! As we continue to prepare for Fetch Nashville, we are continuing to look forward to Fetch Kansas City. If you are missing us in Nashville, don’t worry there is still room available for Fetch Kansas City, Fetch Coastal in […]
Sneak peek: USDA now requiring HPAI testing for lactating dairy cattle prior to transportation, and other veterinary news
Here is a sneak peek of this week’s headlines shark749/stock.adobe.comGood morning and happy Monday dvm360 readers! As we continue to prepare for Fetch Nashville, we are continuing to look forward to Fetch Kansas City. If you are missing us in Nashville, don’t worry there is still room available for Fetch Kansas City, Fetch Coastal in […]
Source: Vet Alex